Monday, March 9, 2009

No Boat Pictures

I spent Saturday doing family stuff, Alia and I went to the dog show. She's looking at dogs, specifically a Shiba Inu. I'm more of a big dog fan and we checked out several Mastiffs and Great Danes. We met the sweetest Bull Mastiff that really wanted to give hugs, he was a trim 130lbs.

I forgot the camera this weekend, but I was able to get a couple coats of paint on the overheads. I also put up a couple overhead battens in the main cabin. I'm post on this in detail later. It's important to take lots of measurements while you doing the prep work, but never forget to use your own eyes. I spent plenty of time measuring from bulkheads, but kept coming up with odd angles. Finally I thought I had things marked out pretty square when I laid down on the sole and looked up. WFT was I way off.

I ended up using a chalk line down the center ( it's safe to assume the mast is in the middle right?) and a speed square off that and all was well with in a few minutes. Again, more details when I head down there and take pictures.

Also, I was trying to be a cheap ass and avoid buying expensive traps. If you find yourself hauling out and removing deck hardware, just cough up the cash and buy a big 'ol tarp. I've spent more time than needed trying to save money with cheap plastic coverings and in the end just bought a full size tarp. I was getting little drips here and there and finally had enough.

On a side note the Jeep has been hauling me and lumber/tools back and forth for a few weeks now with out any complaints. But this weekend the transmission started acting up. Sounds like it might be a quick fix, a vacuum line but it's one less night working on the boat and until I fix it I can't drive over 28MPH. I can think of many things I'd rather do than work on the Jeep in the marina parking lot in the snow......

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